The Adobe Creative Jam is a unique creative experience where design duos compete in a tournament utilizing Adobe Creative Cloud.
After three hours and no rules, teams presented their work to an audience/jury. Out of 10 competing teams, my partner and I won “Judges’ Choice” with our piece “Adulting”.


We chose to represent the complexity of "Adulting" by referencing the many armed Hindu deities. Her many arms represent agility and balance, qualities needed to successfully adult. 



Cooking:Because you can't live on pizza for the rest of your life.


Because you can't live on pizza for the rest of your life.

Personal Care:You know you're an adult when you set your own appointments.

Personal Care:

You know you're an adult when you set your own appointments.

Financial Maturity:Bills and budgets, so fun.

Financial Maturity:

Bills and budgets, so fun.

Libations:Developing a palate for the finer things in life.


Developing a palate for the finer things in life.

Social Life:Family, friends and Facebook.

Social Life:

Family, friends and Facebook.

Keys:Keys to the crib and whip.


Keys to the crib and whip.

Pen:Time to make more permanent choices that have lasting consequences.


Time to make more permanent choices that have lasting consequences.

Health:10 sets a day keeps the doctor away.


10 sets a day keeps the doctor away.